Buffalo NY Area Promoting Prostitution Charges
An experienced Buffalo Criminal Lawyer will tell you that the
sex crime
of Promoting Prostitution takes place when a person benefits and
profits from prostitution, but is neither the person acting as the
prostitute or employing a prostitute. The crime of Promoting
Prostitution involves:
- Receiving money for arranging a prostitute for someone;
- Soliciting a John for a prostitute;
- Operating, managing or owning an establishment that was made for prostitution, and prostitution is practiced there;
- Inducing someone to the life of prostitution (turning girls out).
If you have been charged with Promoting Prostitution or other
Sex Crime
, or battery, assault, Burglary or endangering the welfare of a child,
speak with a qualified Buffalo Criminal Defense Lawyer from our
team today. The penalties you could be facing are serious, and can
include jail time, large fines and probation.
In New York State , the
Penal Law defines the laws related to Promoting Prostitution, which can
be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony, and punishable by 1
to 25 years in prison. There severity of the charge will depend on:
- How many prostitutes are involved;
- Whether force or coercion was used;
- The age of the prostitutes involved.
Come in and speak with a Buffalo Criminal Defense Lawyer from the Law Office of J John Sebastian for legal guidance.
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